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Continuing the Conversation on Race

Screenshot of the live Zoom conference on "Eavesdropping on America’s Conversation on Race” by Jessie Glander

On February 9th award-winning radio journalist Michele Norris will be hosting a virtual talk called “Eavesdropping on America’s Conversation on Race”. The conversation of race is an important one to have with growing awareness for the significant racial divide and issues in America today.

Eavesdropping on America’s Conversation on Race is one of the latest virtual lectures hosted by Wayne State University during Black History Month. Special guest lecturer Michele Norris, former co-host of NPR’s All Things Considered, covered her experience with race, culture and communication as well as her work continuing the conversation on race with The Race Card Project.

In 2010, Norris created The Race Card Project to promote the discussion of race and culture around the world. According to the official Race Card Project website, it began by Norris asking people around the world to share their own experiences with culture and race by asking questions, sharing experiences, voicing concerns, sharing hopes and dreams in only six words. Norris stated in the lecture that she has received more than 500,000 postcards back to date.

Norris produced a series of radio segments based off The Race Card project in partnership with NPR. Once she left NPR she devoted more time to the project and advanced the conversation of race. The Race Card Project is used as a teaching example and way to foster dialogue about race and culture in schools, businesses, churches and even in the United State Military and justice department.

Torrey Myrick, Schechter Wealth office assistant, saw the lecture on YouTube and said he looked up the project website afterward. He stated that the concept was interesting and was extremely relevant to Black History Month. Myrick said that being an African America in America, the conversation of race and culture is important to understanding everyone and putting them on equal footing.

The Race Card Project allows people from around the world to join the conversation by submitting their own questions, concerns, ideas or dreams on the project wall. The submission allows for a photo upload as well, giving those interested a chance to share their creativity as well.

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